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Visualization Toolset

This tool makes a montage of snapshots of your images and saves it in their directory.

When you middle click on this montage with the Multi tool or press the “o” key, it will open the image under your cursor.

So next time you want to find a specific image in your folder, you can find it quickly.

Preview Opener_.mp4

To create it :

First, open all the images of one directory or just the ones you want, (it can be virtual stacks).

You may want to adjust the display before (slice, contrast, LUTs..) because the snapshots will show the current display settings.

Then click on the tool to create the montage.

Notes :

The Montage title needs to contain precisely “Preview Opener” to work but you can add text before or after.

And the Preview Opener file must be kept on the corresponding folder.